
Welcome to our eHarmony coupons page, explore the latest verified discounts and promos for July 2021. Today, there is a total of 24 eHarmony coupons and discount deals. You can quickly filter today's eHarmony promo codes in order to find exclusive or verified offers. Find the latest verified eharmony promo codes, coupons & deals for July 2021. Save now on your next online purchase.

eharmony’s been igniting love online since 1997. Confident that love needs more than basic profiles and photos to bloom, Dr. Neil Clark Warren created a “compatibility matching system” to explore who you really are. Funny or subdued, outgoing or introverted, you’ll find a match at eharmony. And with eharmony promo codes, you’ll find love for less.

eharmony maintains that more than 250 eharmony marriages take place every day in the United States. To see how eharmony’s matchmaking magic works, create a profile in four easy steps:

  • Take a free Personality Profile and Relationship Questionnaire
  • Find free, friendly online dating advice and community forums
  • Preview potential dates, based on your questionnaire answers, even before you commit to a payment plan
  • Communicate with your prescreened matches by chatting online or meeting in person

eharmony offers different levels of membership plans to make working it into your budget easy:

Basic Plans:

  • 1 month: $59.95
  • 3-month plan: $39.95 ($119.85 billed up front)
  • 6-month plan: $23.96 with discount, regularly $29.95/month ($143.76 billed up front)
  • 1-year plan: $19.95 ($239.40 billed up front)

TotalConnect Plans:

  • 3-month plan: $44.95 ($134.85 billed up front)
  • 6-month plan: $34.95 ($209.70 billed up front)
  • 1-year plan: $17.95/month ($215.40 billed in three installments)
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Q: Does eharmony offer same-sex matches?
A: Yes. When you are setting up your account you can select if you are seeking men or women.

Q: Is eharmony a free service?
A: No. While there are many parts of the dating service that are free, if you want to communicate with your matches you will need to sign up for a paid account.

Q: Can you search for people on eharmony?
A: No. eharmony does not have a search function. Unlike social media platforms, the only way to see someone’s profile on eharmony is to be matched with them.

Eharmony Discount Code 2021

Q: How are you matched with people on eharmony?
A: You fill out an extensive questionnaire that tracks your attitudes, personality, and beliefs. Then, you are matched with people that you are compatible with 29 key areas.

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Eharmony Discount Code 2021

Q: Does eharmony actually work?
A: With more than 20 million registered users, the online dating site definitely attracts a lot of people. But, it also gets results. Every day, hundreds of people get married because they met on eharmony.

Forgo the frustrating guesswork of an early-stage relationship when you get help from If you’re still doubtful, check out the copious success stories at Then use eharmony online coupons to connect with other singles for less.