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A new online dating site aimed at professionals in ‘uniform’ jobs, such as doctors, nurses, military personnel and emergency service workers, has launched in Australia....

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A new online dating site aimed at professionals in ‘uniform’ jobs, such as doctors, nurses, military personnel and emergency service workers, has launched in Australia.

Sydney-based doctor Adam, 23, is one of the many uniformed professionals on UniformDating.com

EVER dreamt of dating a man (or woman) in uniform? You’re in luck.

A new online dating site aimed at professionals in ‘uniform’ jobs, such as doctors, nurses, military personnel and emergency service workers, has launched in Australia.

UniformDating.com has been in the UK for eight years, with between 20,000 and 40,000 people signing up each month. The Australian site went live just a few weeks ago.

The demanding work lives of uniformed professionals can make dating difficult, says Amy Coles, Brand Manager at Uniform Dating.

“They work long and unpredictable hours and the serious or high risk nature of their roles can be stressful,” Ms Coles told news.com.au.

“Typically uniform wearers date each other, because they intrinsically understand what they need in a partner”.

Adam off-duty.

One in four Aussie uniformed professionals have seen a relationship end because of long work hours, but nine in ten are looking for long-term love, as opposed to a fling, according to online researchers Pureprofile.

Adam, 23, is a final year medical student in early training at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney.

He’s never tried online dating before but signed up to Uniform Dating about two weeks ago.


“I do a lot of shift work, and that doesn’t always work with other people,” he said.

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“If we’re doing a surgical term, we start at 6am for surgery and then after that you work until you get your jobs done. That can be a whole or half day, so you could be at the hospital late into the night.”

When on a night out, Adam is careful about when he tells prospective dates he’s a doctor — or as he calls it — “drops the D-bomb”.

Adam has to be careful about when he lets potential dates know he’s a doctor.Source:Supplied


“If you’re out having drinks and you meet someone ... you say it early to make sure it’s on the cards straight away.”

While girls are initially impressed at his job title, the reality isn’t that glamorous.

“In past relationships there have been times where medicine was quite a big thing and that can have a negative impact,” he said.

“But as long as people are understanding it’s fine. It’s part of life and therefore it’s part of the relationship.”

It seems Adam is in luck.

82 per cent of Aussies would consider entering into a relationship with a man or woman in uniform, according to Pureprofile research.

And doctors (24 per cent) and nurses (37 per cent) are our favourite uniformed professionals.

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But you don’t have to have a job in uniform to join Uniform Dating - all professions are welcome.

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Ms Coles says many happy marriages and long term relationships have been born in the UK, and hopes the same will happen in Australia, too.